The Advantages of Blackout Blinds for Your Health

The Advantages of Blackout Blinds for Your Health

Do you ever hear the children ask, “Why do I have to go to bed during the day?” and try to fall asleep? That’s why blackout curtains are so important.

According to specialists, a requirement of seven to nine hours of sleep every night is optimal. Do your present drapes allow you to obtain that? Adequate rest has been linked to increased productivity, emotional balance, immunity strengthening and physical healing.

They also claim that taking naps during the day will make you more intelligent and increase your energy levels. We adore a good snooze here at We Love Blinds, so we’d have to agree!

How can blackout blind help us have a healthier life?

Let’s start with a little talk about Melatonin, a hormone produced in the brain’s pineal gland. Melatonin is also available as a supplement and is therefore popular among many of us. Why? We require high amounts of Melatonin to help us rest and sleep. Melatonin is also involved in maintaining our circadian rhythms (our bodies’ internal clocks), and these rhythms are largely governed by daylight and darkness.

Many studies have been conducted on blue light generated by screens and how it affects our Melatonin levels. According to health and sleep experts, we should put our mobile devices away before going to bed and avoid watching TV for 2 hours. We require darkness. Melatonin is only produced in the brain when it is dark.

This is where things get really interesting. Melatonin isn’t only influenced by man-made light; it’s also affected by natural sunlight.

We exist in a climate of seasons. We can enjoy daylight as early as 4 am during the summer. If we leave our blinds open or close them but do not keep the light out, we create an imbalance in our sleeping habits.

Let’s speak about sleep for a minute. Sleep is the most essential thing there is to good health, according to experts. Your diet and stress may be ignored if you don’t get enough rest, according to the specialists. It’s crucial. We continue to emphasize it.

Scientific study suggests that reducing our light levels may help us get in those z’s without the body clock being disturbed. It is critical that we expose ourselves to darkness. Sunset and sunrise are two times during which we unwind and wake up, respectively. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

So, where do blackout blinds fit in?

Blinds that are completely closed provide the best environment for sleeping and resting. They’re particularly useful for individuals who work shift hours and need to sleep during the day.

We may get out of sync if we spend too much time indoors and don’t get enough natural light, because our current lifestyles and working hours are long.

Black-out blinds will deceive our brains into thinking it’s still dark outside, allowing us to rest and recover from the day.

The summer months are fantastic, with barbecues, family time in the garden, and outdoor activities. However, because of the summer months, our body clocks may be disrupted. This is especially true for youngsters.